Our Services: School Education, Weekday Madrasah, Weekday Madrasah, Islamic Courses, Tuition Hub



A British Online Islamic School & Madrasah

Striving Towards Academic Excellence

(+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp)


About Us

As-Salaam Academy Madrasah was designed to cater to the Muslim ​community, providing a holistic and a high-quality online Islamic ​curriculum from anywhere in the world. Our curriculum, whether remote ​or abroad is supplemented with a both a Qur'ānic and Islamic Studies ​education, an aspect inclusive across all the studies. Learning is now ​made accessible, engaging and affordable for families.

By joining As-Salaam Academy Madrasah, students will be equipped and ​empowered to be part of a welcoming school community that focuses on ​a student-centred approach. This school is built around the needs and ​interests of pupils, while delivering a flexible approach to learning.

With our engaging live interactive lessons, flexible timetables, subject-​specialist teachers, and outstanding pastoral care, your child will be ​joining a school that readily places their needs first.


Join As-Salaam Academy Madrasah today and unlock a world of endless ​possibilities for your child's academic journey. Our institution prides ​itself on providing a nurturing environment that fosters holistic growth ​and development. By choosing As-Salaam Academy Madrasah, you are ​opting for unparalleled educational quality delivered by experienced ​educators dedicated to shaping future leaders. Apply now and pave the ​way for your child's success!

About the School

As-Salaam Academy School is designed to cater to the Muslim community, providing a holistic and a high-quality online British education from anywhere in the world. Our curriculum, whether remote or abroad is supplemented with an Islamic education, an aspect inclusive across all the studies. Learning is now made accessible, engaging and affordable for families,.

By joining As-Salaam Academy School, students will be equipped and empowered to be part of a welcoming school community that focuses on a student-centred approach. This school is built around the needs and interests of pupils, while delivering a flexible approach

With our engaging live interactive lessons, flexible timetables, subject-specialist teachers, and outstanding pastoral care, your child will be joining a school that readily places their needs first.

About the Curriculum

Our online primary school offers a broad curriculum of online classes to support primary school children to develop basic knowledge. We are committed to help them grow, personally and academically, and for them to experience the joy of learning.

In addition to imparting key skills and subject knowledge, the school curriculum is designed to inculcate exemplary qualities such as responsibility, motivation, intelligence, and leadership. The curriculum is taught within an internationally-accessible environment to produce students with the correct tarbiyyah (upbringing) and a keen zeal for knowledge.

The curriculum provides students with the tools they need to understand variety of subjects, including English/Literature, Mathematics, Sciences, History, Geography, Religious Studies (RS), PSHE, Art, Design & Technology, ICT, Arabic, Qur’ān, Islamic Studies.

Learning at As-Salaam Academy

As-Salaam Academy teaches the British National Curriculum (BNC). it is an inclusive and well-recognised curriculum known for supplying a broad and balanced structure to education. We focus on a progressive and coherent development for pupils.

The learning across Key Stages (KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4) ensures that pupils reach the baseline standards of what a student should be learning in each subject in line with each key stage and age.

If students do misses any lessons, they can be provided with access to a recording to review the lessons.

Development, Progress & Achievement

School Medal

At our Academy, we utilize both summative and formative assessments to track students' progress throughout the academic year and assess into the effectiveness of the curriculum design. The Subject Leads and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) monitor the learning outcomes and achievements of students to improve teaching practices, to ensure each pupil is provided the best education possible.

To acknowldege and celebrate achievements and progression at As-Salaam Academy, we send virtual personalised certificates to students.

Our programme is curated for different age groups, so every lesson offers the appropriate level of engagement for your child. The learning across Key Stages (KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4) ensures that pupils reach the baseline standards of what a student should be learning in each subject in line with each key stage and age. Interactive quizzes, worksheets and plenary will be age-appropriate and differentiated for each pupil.

Each program consists of its own weekly theme and activities, so your child has something new to anticipate with each week. Our curriculum has an amazing pedagogy, inclusive to all, whether remote and abroad. The school offers the invaluable incentive of learning the National Curriculum of England, providing access to high-quality education, from anywhere in the world.

Islamic Studies is offered to every pupil, enabling greater access to quality Qur’anic (including Hifz) & Islamic education and a better opportunity to fulfil their potential. This course is taught by professional Alim/Alimah, who are unwaveringly committed to supplying coherent and accessible contents of Islamic Education to all children. The school uses the An-Nasihah Publications scheme to teach.

At As-Salaam Academy School, we strongly uphold the belief that a well-crafted curriculum plays a pivotal role in fostering students' opportunities for growth and should always be centered around the students themselves, taking into account their unique needs, requirements, and prior experiences to enhance their learning journey. Our curriculum is specifically structured on five fundamental elements that are essential for creating impactful and successful lessons.

  • Clear Purpose (i.e. Learning Objectives and Success Criterias).
  • Strong Islamic Beliefs.
  • Student-Centered Learning Goals.
  • Frequent and Purposeful Assessments.
  • Collaborative and Differentiated Activities.

Our Curriculum is multifaceted, comprising of the National Curriculum for both Primary and Secondary pupils. The lessons have clearly defined aims and are flexible at the point of delivery. With our well-taught curriculum, pupils acquire deeper knowledge and develop greater skills. At As-Salaam Academy, our curriculum is rooted in the framework of Four C's we expect students to embody: Compassion, Collaboration, Confidence, and Creativity. These core principles drive individual character growth and enhance students' understanding of the world around them. The Curriculum is uniquely crafted to foster a diverse range of skills and attributes in our students.

The curriculum is there to:

  • Enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development.
  • Promote fundamental British and Islamic values.
  • Develop strong academic skills for development.

Love for Reading


At As-Salaam Academy School, we believe that reading is the most important skill a child can learn at school. Expanding one's lexicon and understanding is of utmost importance when it comes to enhancing vocabulary skills and boosting comprehension levels. At As-Salaam Academy, we prioritise the comprehensive growth of our students, ensuring they have access to a wide array of resources and strategies to improve their proficiency in reading. Our commitment lies in fostering a supportive environment that nurtures a love for learning and literacy, empowering our students to engage with a variety of texts and excel in their academic pursuits.

To help us fulfil our aim of fostering a love for reading among our students, we have introduced the ‘Love for Reading’ initiative. All students from Year 1 to Year 11 will actively participate in this program, designed to cultivate a profound passion for books and literature.

This course is structured to provide the young Muslims with the correct teachings of Islam as set out by our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The aim of Islamic Studies equips the young Muslim students with the skills and knowledge to be confident on their faith and be able to articulate the understanding of Islam to others.

Key features of the Islamic Curriculum:

  • An all-in-one coursebook.
  • 8 books consisting of 7 subjects each.
  • Corresponding workbooks with differentiated activities.
  • Referenced from authentic sources.
  • An engaging child-friendly approach.
  • Accompanying Teacher’s Book with extended activities.
  • Age-relevant content.
  • Dyslexia-friendly.

Qur’ānic & Islamic Studies at As-Salaam Academy

As-Salaam Acadmey we utilise the kitaabs from the Nasihah Publication, an organisation that has been working for more than a decade to create engaging material that children will use to learn their deen and enjoy themselves at the same time. We will also be using a variety of resources for Islamic studies teachers in Maktabs and Islamic Schools making teaching a easy as possible. To view our full Islamic Curriculum, click here.

Fun & Interesting Workbooks

Each coursebook will be provided along with the corresponding workbooks with differentiated activities. This will consolidate the pupil’s learning.

Other subjects taught will include: Qā’idah, Juz Amma, and Qur’ān recitation (with the implementation of correct Makhārij and Tajwīd), with Sūrah and Du’ā memorisation.

While our curriculum encourages your child to become a better independent learner, we’ve also included special opportunities for you to work together. There are so many fun and exciting projects where you will can the opportunity to work on with your young child. These simple projects are there to supplement and consolidate their learning of particular topics.

Assessment Without Levels

Assessments are frequent, conducted lesson by lesson. As a school, we gather assessment results formally two times a year before Parent Meetings to provide you with updates on your child's progress. Throughout the academic year, students will be assessed on specific targets. During Parent Meetings, your child's class teacher will report to you on their progress within their 'age-related expectations'.


Certain terminologies will be used to grade pupils based on their level of comprehension and mastery of the year group objectives. Consistent terminology will be employed across all year groups, ranging from Year 1 to Year 6, ensuring a standardized assessment system school-wide.

What do the terminologies mean?

  1. Taught/Emerging - Yet to be secure in the end of year expectations.
  2. Working Within/Developing - Secure in the majority of end of year expectations.
  3. Met/Secure - Secure in almost all of the end of year expectations and is able to use and apply their knowledge and skills confidently.
  4. Exceeding/Mastery - Exceeding in all end of year expectations.

What does this mean for your child?

A child who is in Year 2 and is working at age-related expectations will be:

  1. By the end of the autumn term: taught/emerging towards achieving Y2 key objectives.
  2. By the end of the spring term: working within/developing towards achieving Y2 key objectives.
  3. By the end of the summer term: met/exceeding the Y2 key objectives.

At the end of the academic year, the teacher will report on the attainment as well as the progress they have made.

Testing in School

From Years 2 to 5, students will not undergo statutory testing; instead, internal assessments will be carried out online. For Year 1, a National Phonics Test will be administered, and Year 6 students will undertake End of Year Standard Assessments (SATs) covering Reading, Writing, Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation, and Maths.

More Able Children

For children who have securely met their end of year objectives, they will be assessed as exceeding or mastering the objectives for their age group. In this case, instead of progressing to the next year’s curriculum, these children will focus on ‘mastering’ their knowledge by applying skills in various contexts, thereby further solidifying their understanding. The depth and application of a child’s learning serve as crucial indicators of their achievements and progress within the academic setting.

Less Able Children

Less able children, who have specific learning plans tailored to meet their individual needs, will be encouraged to progress alongside their peers. Due to their unique requirements, they may not always attain the year group objectives. Nevertheless, our comprehensive assessment and tracking mechanisms are in place to provide the necessary support, challenge them appropriately, and diligently monitor their advancement.

Children who are falling behind

Any child who is working below the age-related expectation is given personalised learning objectives tailored to their specific needs and strengths to help them reach their full potential. We have established daily intervention groups in place that aim to promptly address difficulties as they arise, ensuring no child is left behind. Through consistent implementation of intervention strategies and high-quality teaching practices, children with significant learning gaps are supported to make accelerated progress towards catching up with their peers.

RSE/Relationship Education

How is RSE and Relationship Education taught at As-Salaam Academy School?

At As-Salaam Academy School we believe that the teaching of RSE and Relationship Education is vital in order to help our students to embrace the understanding of creating a happy and successful environment. We aim for all our students to acquire the knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.

Pupils will be able to put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing a variety of situations. The topics covered in the RSE and RE Curriculum not only empower pupils to navigate diverse circumstances but also equip them with the resilience to overcome challenges. Through these subjects, students can cultivate an understanding of how and where to access necessary support, fostering a proactive approach to personal growth and well-being.

We strongly believe that an Islamic-centered, high-quality, and age-appropriate teaching of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Religious Education (RE) can help prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences they will encounter. At As-Salaam Academy, we have chosen to implement a curriculum that is specially designed by The Association of Muslim Schools (AMS). This curriculum reflects our commitment to providing a holistic educational experience that nurtures the mind, body, and soul of our students.

The curriculum is faith-based, incorporating a clear Islamic narrative and has undergone meticulous review by esteemed scholars to ensure its accuracy. It aligns closely with statutory guidelines and is structured to be delivered in a manner that parents approve of, fostering a sense of confidence in the sensitivity with which the content is presented. It is the primary aim of our curriculum to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, and physical development of our pupils. Below, you will find the comprehensive curriculum for RSE Studies at AS-SALAAM ACADEMY SCHOOL.

Primary Relationship Education

Secondary Relationship Education

At As-Salaam Academy School, we are committed to providing a high-quality British education curated with an Islamic education and values. All this accessible, inclusive, engaging, and affordable for families all around the world.

The cost of As-Salaam Academy School covers a wide range of educational services and benefits:

  • Live Online Classroom Teaching
  • Additonal Teaching Resources
  • All Homework Set & Assessed
  • Teacher & Parent Support
  • Termly Summative and Formative Assessments
  • Grading Tests
  • End of Year Progress Reports
  • Administration
  • Pastoral & Safeguarding Care
  • Qur’anic & Islamic Studies (including Hifz) services
  • Specialised Learning Resources (the school pays for these).


We require a holding deposit of £50 per child to secure your child’s place with us.*

We also require a payment of £50 one-off Enrolment Fee per student upon admission into As-Salaam Academy School. This amount is non-refundable and covers the cost of the admissions process.

*The holding deposit will be refunded within 28 days from the completion of your child’s courses or termination of this agreement after any outstanding fees are deducted.

FEE: (to view the subjects your child will study in each academic year group please click here.

Primary School Yearly Fee [Key Stage 1] Year 1: £1,200

Primary School Yearly Fee [Key Stage 2] Year 2 to Year 6: £1,300

Secondary School [Key Stage 3] Year 7, 8, 9 Yearly Fee: £1,400

Secondary School [Key Stage 4] Year 10, 11 Yearly Fee: £1,500

Islamic Education is important because it provides a strong foundation for students to not only excel academically, but also develop morally and spiritually. By learning about the teachings of Islam, students gain a deeper understanding of their faith and how to apply its principles in their daily lives. Islamic Education helps cultivate values such as compassion, respect, and integrity, which are essential for personal growth and success. Moreover, it fosters a sense of community and belonging, connecting students with their peers and teachers in a shared commitment to learning and practicing Islam. Overall, Islamic Education plays a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals who are equipped to navigate the challenges of the modern world while staying true to their beliefs.

Islamic Studies is crucial for students as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the religion of Islam. By studying topics such as Quranic recitation, Hadith, Islamic history, and jurisprudence, students are able to deepen their faith, enhance their spiritual connection, and develop a strong moral compass based on the teachings of Islam. This knowledge equips students with the tools to navigate the complexities of the modern world while staying true to their religious beliefs and principles. Furthermore, Islamic Studies fosters critical thinking, cultural awareness, and a sense of community among students, shaping them into well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society.

Discover the Islamic Curriculum

At As-Salaaam Madrasah, we aim to to provide enrichment for the next generation in a fun and eganging manner. We have chosen to use An-Nasihah Publications as it presents its very own specifically designed Islamic Curriculum for the young Muslims of today.

“Learning has been made easy and enjoyable with colourful illustrations and inspiring stories whilst maintaining a child friendly approach.”

As-Salaam Acadmey we utilise the kitaabs from the Nasihah Publication, an organisation that has been working for more than a decade to create engaging material that children will use to learn their deen and enjoy themselves at the same time. We will also be using a variety of resources for Islamic studies teachers in Maktabs and Islamic Schools making teaching a easy as possible. To view our full Islamic Curriculum, click here.

Fun & Interesting Workbooks

Each coursebook will be provided in conjunction with the corresponding workbooks, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience for each student. These workbooks are thoughtfully designed with differentiated activities to cater to diverse learning needs, thereby reinforcing and strengthening the student's grasp of the subject matter. This approach aims to enhance the consolidation of the pupil's learning and foster a more engaging educational journey.

Other subjects taught will include: Qā’idah, Juz Amma, and Qur’ān recitation (with the implementation of correct Makhārij and Tajwīd), with Sūrah and Du’ā memorisation.

As-Salaam Madrasah Weekday Madrasah operates on Mon-Fri for 2 hours per day 5pm-7pm.


New admissions take place in September each year, subject to availability. Admission forms must be completed for all new enrolments. The Madrasah applications for the academic year September 2024 to August 2025 will start on Monday 10th of June 2024 from 12:00pm and will remain open until 11:59pm Sunday 25th August 2024.

Child’s birth certificate/passport, proof of address, admission fee and current applicable term fees MUST be accompanied with the application form, which can be found here.


Fees are payable at the beginning of each term. Parents may pay in two instalments if they so desire. Please enquire at the Madrasah office for details of current term fees.

For the full academic year, the Madrasah fee is £750 with an admission fee of £50.

The Madrasah now has a facility of accepting payment via bank transfer and card payments. When making a payment please ensure you write your child’s name and their unique ID number as the payment reference. If you are unsure of your child’s ID number then contact the Madrasah. Fees are to be paid through bank transfer if parents wish to fulfill the payment this way. Kindly remember to include your child’s name along with their unique ID number as the payment reference during the transaction process. If you find yourself unsure of your child’s ID number, we encourage you to reach out to the Madrasah for clarification and assistance. To discuss other alternative to paying, please email the admissions team on assalaamacademymadrasah@gmail.com.

The account details are as follows:

As-Salaam Academy

Sort code: 20-89-56

Account Number: 40732656



All students must adhere strictly to the prescribed discipline of the Madrasah. Any instances of improper conduct, disruptive behavior, or misuse of equipment will not be tolerated. It is important to note that the consumption of sweets or chewing gum, as well as the use of mobile phones, are strictly prohibited during Madrasah hours to maintain a focused learning environment. Consequences for such actions include:

  1. receiving a verbal warning,
  2. being issued a written warning, or
  3. facing suspension. In cases of severe misconduct, immediate suspension will be enforced, and there is a possibility of expulsion following such incidents.


A note or phone call is required for any absence. This notification should be given as soon as possible to inform the school of the student's inability to attend classes.

Other Parental Responsibilities

  1. Parents are expected to uphold cleanliness standards, overseeing adherence to uniform regulations and grooming such as nails and socks.
  2. Parents should diligently review their children's homework and check their homework planners daily to monitor their academic progress.
  3. Participation in all parent-teacher meetings is encouraged.

Any concerns or issues should be directed to the Head teacher during office hours from Monday to Friday between 17:30 and 19:00. It is essential to note that any form of abusive, threatening, or violent behavior towards the staff will not be tolerated. Compliance with all school policies, including enrollment and admission procedures set by the management, is mandatory.

To apply, please click here.

Contact Us

Email: assalaamacademymadrasah@gmail.com

Phone: (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp) - Madrasah Term Times only: 5:00pm to 7:00pm – Monday to Friday


Weekday Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Weekday Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Weekday Admissions Policy

Weekday Behaviour Policy

As-Salaam Madrasah Weekday Madrasah operates on Sat-Sun for 2 hour slot between 9am-5pm.


New admissions take place in September each year, subject to availability. Admission forms must be completed for all new enrolments. The Madrasah applications for the academic year September 2024 to August 2025 will start on Monday 10th of June 2024 from 12:00pm and will remain open until 11:59pm Sunday 25th August 2024.

Child’s birth certificate/passport, proof of address, admission fee and current applicable term fees MUST be accompanied with the application form, which can be found here.


Fees are payable at the beginning of each term. Parents may pay in two instalments if they so desire. Please enquire at the Madrasah office for details of current term fees.

For the full academic year, the Madrasah fee is £480 with an admission fee of £50.

The Madrasah now has a facility of accepting payment via bank transfer and card payments. When making a payment please ensure you write your child’s name and their unique ID number as the payment reference. If you are unsure of your child’s ID number then contact the Madrasah. Fees are to be paid through bank transfer if parents wish to fulfill the payment this way. Kindly remember to include your child’s name along with their unique ID number as the payment reference during the transaction process. If you find yourself unsure of your child’s ID number, we encourage you to reach out to the Madrasah for clarification and assistance. To discuss other alternative to paying, please email the admissions team on assalaamacademymadrasah@gmail.com.

The account details are as follows:

As-Salaam Academy

Sort code: 20-89-56

Account Number: 40732656


  • Boys are required to wear a white cap, white Jabba, and white trousers as part of the dress code.
  • Girls are expected to adhere to the dress code by wearing a black jilbab and black scarf.
  • Students must ensure that all their books are well-maintained and that they have the required stationery for their classes.


All students must adhere strictly to the prescribed discipline of the Madrasah. Any instances of improper conduct, disruptive behavior, or misuse of equipment will not be tolerated. It is important to note that the consumption of sweets or chewing gum, as well as the use of mobile phones, are strictly prohibited during Madrasah hours to maintain a focused learning environment. Consequences for such actions include:

  1. receiving a verbal warning,
  2. being issued a written warning, or
  3. facing suspension. In cases of severe misconduct, immediate suspension will be enforced, and there is a possibility of expulsion following such incidents.


A note or phone call is required for any absence. This notification should be given as soon as possible to inform the school of the student's inability to attend classes.

  • Written notification must be provided and approved in advance of any pre-arranged absence, such as holidays. This ensures that the school is informed and can make necessary arrangements for the student's time away.
  • Written notification is required for any pupil wishing to be excused from lessons early. This allows the school to keep track of students' whereabouts and ensures their safety.
  • Written notification is required for any pupil that wishes to leave Madrasah before the usual dismissal time. This communication is essential for the school to maintain proper supervision and accountability for its students.

Other Parental Responsibilities

  1. Parents are expected to uphold cleanliness standards, overseeing adherence to uniform regulations and grooming such as nails and socks.
  2. Parents should diligently review their children's homework and check their homework planners daily to monitor their academic progress.
  3. Participation in all parent-teacher meetings is encouraged.

Any concerns or issues should be directed to the Head teacher during office hours from Monday to Friday between 17:30 and 19:00. It is essential to note that any form of abusive, threatening, or violent behaviour towards the staff will not be tolerated. Compliance with all school policies, including enrolment and admission procedures set by the management, is mandatory.

To apply, please click here.

Contact Us

Email: assalaamacademymadrasah@gmail.com

Phone: (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp) - Madrasah Term Times only: 9am to 5pm – Monday to Friday


Weekday Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Weekday Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Weekday Admissions Policy

Weekday Behaviour Policy

Weekday & Weekend Madrasah

At As-Salaam Online Madrasah our aim is inculcate high Islamic values and morals in our youth, so that they can nurture ​sound Islamic principles, identities, and personalities.

We hope that with confidence and integrity, As-Salaam Madrasah can guide the development of our students to not only ​become a source of inspiration for the community but also to nurture the next generation of young learners, instilling in ​them knowledge, wisdom, and good manners that will shape their future endeavors.

At As-Salaam Madrasah, we pride ourselves on providing a structured syllabus carefully crafted to fully engage students in ​an inclusive programme that is not only intellectually, but also highly engaging. Our dedicated teachers at As-Salaam ​Madrasah are not only highly qualified but also possess a wealth of experience in creating engaging and interactive ​classroom settings that foster optimal learning experiences for our students. The subjects taught will include: Qā’idah, Juz ​Amma, and Qur’ān recitation (with the implementation of correct Makhārij and Tajwīd), with Sūrah and Du’ā ​memorisation, and Islamic Studies (Fiqh, Akhlāq, Aqā’id, Tārīkh, Sīrah, etc).

As-Salaam Madrasah Weekday Madrasah operates on Mon-Fri for 2 hours per day 5pm-7pm - Fees for the 2024 academic ​year is £750.

As-Salaam Madrasah Weekend Madrasah operates on Sat-Sun for 8 hours per day 9am-5pm - Fees for the 2024 academic ​year is £480 (2 hour slot).

Payments can be paid anually in one installment, or in two istallments (one in September and one January). To apply, ​please click here.

For further information or to apply, please email us on assalaamacademymadrasah@gmail.com, or contact us ​on (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp).

Islamic Courses

1 Year Advanced Qur’ānic Tajwīd & Makhārij Course For Women


Our Tajwīd programme develops the learner’s ability in Arabic phonetics specifically for the purpose of the recitation of the Qurʾān. The course is designed to cater for complete beginners in Tajwīd (who can already read Arabic) as well as those who have some previous knowledge and ability of Qurʾān recitation, Makhārij and Tajwīd, such as Izhār, Ikhfā’, Idghām, etc. Students will study some rules of Tajwīd, and have an opportunity to implement such rules in their reading looking into the Qurʾān. The theoretical learning is reinforced through extensive group and individual practice.

Course Plan

Theory: Introduction to tajweed; Etiquettes of Qurʾān recitation; Basmalah; Makhaarij (pronunciation)

Practice: pronunciation of the Arabic Alphabet with the correct Makhārij

Theory: Makhārij

Practice: pronunciation of the Arabic Alphabet with the correct Makhārij

Theory: Recap of Makhārij

Practice: Pronunciation of letters

Theory: Ghunnah of Nūn and Meem Mushaddad

Practice: Implementation of Ghunnah of Nūn and Mīm Mushaddad

Theory: Rules of Nūn Sākin and Tanwīn Rules

Practice: Implementation of Izhar

Theory: Rules of Nūn Sākin and Tanwīn Rules

Practice: Implementation of Ikhfa

Theory: Rules of Nūn Sākin and Tanwīn Rules

Practice: Implementation of Idgham with Ghunnah

Theory: Rules of Nūn Sākin and Tanwīn Rules

Practice: Implementation of Idgham without Ghunnah

Theory: Qalqalah

Practice: Implementation of Qalqalah

Theory: Rule of Lām in Allāh’s name

Practice: Implementation of the Rule of Lām in Allāh’s name

Theory: Rules of Rā’

Practice: Implementation of the Rule of Rā’ in Allāh’s name

Theory: Rules of Stopping (Waqf)

Practice: Implementation of Rules of Stopping (Waqf)

Theory: Learning Types of Madd

Practice: Reading with all the rules covered to date

Theory: Learning Types of Madd

Practice: Reading with all the rules covered to date

Learning Outcomes

On Completion Of This Course, Successful Student Will Be Able To:

  • Develop an applied approach to learning Tajwīd.
  • Progress at their own pace to produce accurate pronunciations of consonants and the varying vowels.
  • Learn and observe the properties of letters and their conjunction.
  • Define and analyse key concepts discussed, such as rules of extension (madd) and stopping (waqf).
  • Compare and evaluate opinions held by scholars on Qur’ānic of the Qurʾān.
  • Demonstrate an ability to confidently reciting the Qur’ān correctly.


For further information or to apply, please email us on assalaamacademycourses@gmail.com, or contact us on (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp).

Islamic Courses

3 Year Qur’ānic Tafāsīr (Exegesis/Interpretation) Course For Females


Our Tafāsīr programme is a unique course, exclusively tailored for the all Muslim mothers, sisters, general audience, and ​advanced students of knowledge who wish to seek an opportunity to learn and acquire the comprehensive study of the ​Qurān. Qur’ānic Tafsīr will be taught with breadth of all the different approaches that our Islamic tradition of Qur’ānic ​exegesis has to offer. This is a rare opportunity to register for this unique advanced course designed for anyone who ​wishes to master a deep understanding of the tafāsīr and gain a good grasp of advanced studies in exegesis. This ​programme involves a comprehensive and in-depth study of the Qur’ān, encompassing its intricate themes, profound ​messages, masterful rhetorical features, and profound philosophical nuances—all meticulously expounded upon through ​the authoritative tafsīr of our rich tradition. It effectively equips every participant with a comprehensive understanding ​and solid grounding in Qur’ān studies.

This course takes an innovative approach in teaching classical and contemporary Tafāsīr of Qur’an Āyah by Āyah, Sūrah ​by Sūrah, and Juz’ by Juz’. This new content-based course aims to bolster study for advanced students in understanding ​the Qur’anic exegesis through examining the various books of Tafāsīr in Arabic by very different writers. With this ​comprehensively engaging course, you will be able toto effectively spread the message of the Qur’ān in serving the ​Ummah.

Students who successfully complete the Year 1 course will be eligible for admission into Year 2 based on their ​performance in Year 1. Upon progression through each level of this three-tiered programme, you will benefit from a ​comprehensive curriculum that aims to enhance your understanding and proficiency in Tafāsīr, providing you with ​advanced expertise in this field of study.

The following Kitabs will be used in this course:

  • Tafsīr al-Qurtubī
  • Mafātih al-Ghayb AKA al-Tafsīr al-Kabīr
  • Al-Durr Al-Manthur Fi Tafsīr Bil-Ma’thur
  • Tafsīr al-Qurʾān al-ʿAẓīm (Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr)
  • Rūh al-Ma’ānī fī Tafsīri-l-Qur’āni-l-‘Aẓīm wa Sab’ul-Mathānī
  • Ma’āriful Qur'ān
  • Tafsīr al-Jalālayn

Learning Outcomes

On Completion Of This Course, Successful Student Will Be Able To:

    • Develop a distinct understanding of the chronology of some of the most influential Sūrah of the Qurʾān
    • Examine and Analyse several Āyah of the Qurʾān.
    • Define and analyse key concepts discussed in the exegesis of the Qurʾān through study of a diverse range of ​Tafsīr.
    • Compare and evaluate opinions held by scholars on Qurʾānic deof the Qurʾān.
    • Demonstrate an ability to examine opinions held by scholars on Qurʾānic sciences, their differences, proofs and ​value.


Sessions will take place on Monday to Wednesday 11am-1pm on Zoom for only £24.99 (10 months) or £249.99 (one-off payment).​ The Course is for females only. This is taught by a qualified Aalimah. ​

For further information or to apply, please email us on assalaamacademycourses@gmail.com, or contact​ us on (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp).​

Islamic Mandala Art

The Tuition Hub at As-Salaam Academy provides a wide range of resources and support for students seeking academic assistance. From personalised tutoring sessions to group study activities, the Tuition Hub aims to enhance learning outcomes and promote academic success for all students in a welcoming and inclusive environment. At As-Salaam Academy, we provide tuition for a number of pupils from Years 2 to 11 in Literacy, Maths, Sciences, and non-core subjects (History, Geography, Citizenship, etc).

All our tutors are either certified educators or possess a stellar academic background alongside previous tutoring experience. They deliver interactive and focused assignments that align with the students' learning objectives and personal preferences. Parents can choose tuition sessions starting from a minimum duration of one hour per subject.

Primary Years 2-6 (KS1-KS2) - The standard rate per student is £15 per hour, with a one-off admin fee of £35.

Primary tutoring subjects include English (e.g. Grammar, SPaG, Reading, Writing), Maths (Arithmetic, Reasoning, Statistics), Sciences, and all non-core topics (e.g. Geography, History, etc).

Secondary Years 7 to 9 - The standard rate per student is £20 per hour, with a one-off admin fee of £35.

Secondary tutoring subjects include English (e.g. Grammar, SPaG, Reading, Writing, Comprehension), Maths (Arithmetic, Reasoning, Statistics), Sciences, and all non-core topics (e.g. Geography, History, Citizenship, RE, etc).

Secondary Years 10 to 11 - The standard rate per student is £25 per hour, with a one-off admin fee of £35.

GCSE tutoring subjects include English Literature, English Language, Maths (Arithmetic, Reasoning, Statistics), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Citizenship, RE, etc. Other subjects can be made available on a case-to-case basis. Please contact us to ask for availabilities.

The tuition rates covers all resource fees, initial assessments and teacher costs.

Our timings are from 5PM-7PM during weekdays, and 9AM-5PM during weekends.

For further information or to apply, please email us on assalaamacademycourses@gmail.com, or contact us on (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp).

For further information or if you wish to apply for a role with us, please email us on assalaamacademyrecruitment@gmail.com, or contact us on (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp).

Please click here, to access the general job description for any roles at As-Salaam Academy.

Current Vacancies:

  • Teaching in the Weekday Madrasah
  • Teaching in the Weekend Madrasah
  • Teaching in the Primary School
  • Teaching in the Secondary School
  • Teaching IGCSE
  • Volunteering at As-Salaam Academy

Please click here, to download the job application form, and email it to us on assalaamacademyrecruitment@gmail.com, or contact us on (+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp).

(+44) 7379745578 (WhatsApp)
